
Unlocking the Power of Bleisure Travel: 10 Eye-Opening Statistics for 2023

In the realm of travel, a captivating trend has taken flight - the convergence of business and leisure known as bleisure. This amalgamation of work and play has captured the attention of both employees and employers, offering a novel way to navigate the world of corporate travel. In this article, we embark on a journey through the captivating world of bleisure travel, guided by 10 enlightening statistics that illuminate the path ahead.

1. Length of Corporate Travel:

Every year, corporate travellers embark on an odyssey that spans an average of 22 days, dedicating themselves to the pursuit of professional endeavours (SavvySleeper). Within this voyage, the average business trip unfurls over 3.8 days, a compact sojourn infused with purpose and intention.

2. Prevalence of Bleisure Policies:

In the realm of corporate travel policies, a shift in perception has transpired. Prior to the pandemic, a notable 57% of businesses bestowed upon their employees the privilege of blending leisure with their business trips (Forbes). This profound acceptance underscores an emerging recognition of the intrinsic value found in the seamless fusion of work and leisure.

3. North American Bleisure Travel:

Within the vast expanses of North America, a yearning for holistic travel experiences has taken root. In the year 2021, a remarkable 37% of corporate travellers from this continent chose to extend their business escapades, weaving in moments of sightseeing and leisurely pursuits (GBTA). Such a desire reflects a longing to extract the essence of each travel opportunity, imbuing it with a tapestry of memorable experiences.

4. Adding Vacation Time:

Amidst the whirlwind of business trips undertaken by U.S. travellers, a staggering revelation emerges. An estimated 60% of these journeys, equating to a resplendent 243 million, are gracefully adorned with the gossamer threads of vacation time (Stratos). The allure of extending these expeditions for leisure purposes holds a magnetic pull on the hearts and minds of employees.

5. Post-Pandemic Interest in Bleisure:

Within the intricate tapestry of shifting travel dynamics, the post-pandemic era has unveiled an intriguing metamorphosis. An impressive 82% of travel managers expressed that their teams were equally or more interested in incorporating leisure time into their business voyages (GBTA). This seismic shift in preferences showcases a collective yearning to intertwine work and leisure, forging an experience that transcends the conventional confines of business travel.

6. UK's Intentions for Bleisure:

Across the vast emerald landscapes of the United Kingdom, a profound longing for the harmony of work and leisure has blossomed. Among the survey participants, a significant 45% voiced their intentions to weave a leisure element into their forthcoming business sojourns (Crowne Plaza). The allure of melding the two realms has found fertile ground in the hearts of British business travellers.

7. Employee Desire for Bleisure:

As the yearning for enchanting travel experiences swells, a remarkable statistic emerges. A resounding 89% of participants from the United States expressed their fervent desire to infuse their next corporate voyage with moments of leisurely respite (American Hotel & Lodging Association). This steadfast longing speaks to the profound human desire to imbibe the richness of life, even amidst the obligations of professional endeavours.

8. Rise in Request for Extended Stays:

Within the intricate web of travel management, a notable surge in requests for extended stays has been observed. As per the insights of travel managers, a striking 41% have noted an upswing in colleagues yearning to elongate their sojourns, allowing for leisurely pursuits post-business obligations (GBTA). This burgeoning interest serves as a testament to the burgeoning demand for weaving threads of leisure into the fabric of business travel.

9. Global Variation in Bleisure Trips:

Across the diverse landscapes of the globe, cultural nuances intertwine with travel practices, creating a symphony of variation in the prevalence of bleisure trips. The United Kingdom, with its steadfast embrace of blending work and leisure, stands at an impressive 56%, while Germany boasts a robust 65%, and China holds its own at 62% (Stratos). These regional disparities evoke a rich tapestry of attitudes and preferences, reflective of the kaleidoscope of global cultures.

10. Revenue Impact

In the realm of financial triumphs, a resplendent revelation has emerged. American Airlines, a beacon of the skies, witnessed a resounding testament to the economic potential of bleisure itineraries. A staggering near-half of their $13.46 billion in revenue was generated from these intertwined expeditions, attaining a pinnacle of success for the organization (AFA). This serves as a clarion call, heralding the profound economic possibilities that lie within the realm of bleisure travel.


As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and leisure, these enlightening statistics offer a glimpse into the kaleidoscope of possibilities that bleisure travel holds. From the duration of corporate sojourns to the intentions and desires of employees, these figures paint a portrait of a burgeoning trend that celebrates the seamless fusion of work and leisure. Embark on this voyage, and let the enchantment of bleisure travel unfold before your eyes.

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