Comprehensive Reporting

May 19, 2023

Enhancing Travel Management Performance with Comprehensive Reports

The BNW Business Portal provides corporate travel managers with comprehensive reporting tools designed to streamline travel management and optimize budgets. With a user-friendly interface, travel managers can easily access a range of detailed reports for real-time insights into their organization's travel activities.

Key Business Reports Features:

  • Year-to-Date (YTD) Reports: Gain a clear overview of your organization's total travel spend with a YTD summary. Stay informed and make data-driven decisions.
  • Sales Distribution: Visualize how your travel budget is allocated across different booking categories, helping you identify trends and opportunities.
  • Portal Booking Approvals: Monitor the status of booking approvals with a breakdown of submitted, approved, and declined requests. Streamline the approval process and ensure compliance with travel policies.
  • Total Sale by Type: View a detailed breakdown of sales by booking type to understand your organization's travel preferences and patterns.
  • Booking Distribution by Month: Track monthly booking trends to identify peak travel periods and optimize travel planning.

Enhancing Travel Agent Performance with Comprehensive Reports

BNW AgentBeta: Agent Reports

BNW AgentBeta equips travel agents with robust reporting capabilities to track performance, manage commissions, and enhance client relationships. The platform's reporting features provide agents with the data they need to succeed in a competitive travel industry.

Key Reports for Agents:

  • Booking Retention: Measure your agency's success in retaining bookings and identify areas for improvement.
  • Look-to-Book Ratio: Understand the conversion rate from initial searches to completed bookings, and evaluate the effectiveness of your sales strategies.
  • Commissions Pending Payment: Stay informed about pending commission payments and manage your agency's cash flow with ease.
  • Total Sale & Sales Status: Access a complete overview of total sales, as well as insights into refunds and adjustments. Monitor overall sales performance.
  • Portal Commission Stats: Keep track of commission status with details on submitted, pending, and denied commissions, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Total Sale by Type: Analyze sales performance by booking type to tailor your offerings to clients' preferences.
  • Dashboard Commission by Month: Review monthly commission trends to assess your agency's growth trajectory and plan for the future.

Whether you're a travel manager seeking to optimize corporate travel or a travel agent aiming to enhance client satisfaction, BNW's reporting tools empower you with the data and insights you need to succeed in the dynamic world of travel. Explore the Reports functionality on BNW Business Portal and BNW AgentBeta today!

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